I. Program Overview

With the theme "From Start to Up," the Cohort 1/2021 Startup Incubation Program at UII aims to create opportunities for growth and bring benefits to the UEH community, while also spreading the spirit of entrepreneurship throughout society.

By participating in the program, UII’s Incubator will inspire, motivate, provide knowledge, and develop business thinking for the next generation of entrepreneurs. The program connects participants with a network of mentors and experts through 1-on-1 training, speed-dating sessions with mentors, and comprehensive startup incubation services.

The goal of UII's Startup Incubation Program is to “Build a sustainable launchpad for future successful companies.” If you missed the 2020 recruitment, do not hesitate to apply for the 2021 Round 1 program. Let UII accompany you on your journey to create impactful stories for the future.

Application deadline: June 15, 2021. Submit your application here.

Incubation Program Overview:

Selected projects/ideas will participate in the 12-month incubation program at UII, divided into 5 stages. Throughout each stage, participants will be provided with knowledge and skills, combined with practical activities, to help build and develop their startups. During this journey, the program will monitor the project's progress through key performance indicators (KPIs) to provide timely support when needed.

Graduation Criteria: After 12 months, projects will be eligible for graduation if they meet the following milestones:

  • A prototype/demo product or service within 6 months (from the start of the incubation program);

  • Ability to assess and monitor project changes through the Business Model Canvas;

  • A communication/pitch deck for investors, investment funds, and accelerators;

  • Connection to a startup accelerator program or access to financial resources (based on the project’s KPIs).

1. Mentoring Activities: Projects will have weekly meetings with Seedplanter@UII to update their progress, and engage with guest mentors through 1-hour weekly “Speed-Dating” sessions. Key activities between mentors and projects include:

  • Evaluating business ideas/models;

  • Guiding the completion of business plans;

  • Assisting in solving challenges encountered during the project’s execution.

Additionally, projects can meet with UII's team of expert mentors as needed.

2. Training and Knowledge Sharing: Projects will not only receive support to develop their startup plans but will also gain knowledge from UEH professors and experienced trainers. Participants will have the opportunity to apply this knowledge directly to their projects. Founders will develop entrepreneurial and business mindsets early on and be equipped with both theoretical and practical knowledge during each phase of the incubation program, including:

  • Building and evaluating business models;

  • Market testing;

  • Financial modeling;

  • Fundraising and investor persuasion skills.

3. Networking and Market Access Support: The program connects startups with investors and experts, helping them refine their business models to become competitive in the market. Key activities include:

  • Introducing and connecting projects with the startup ecosystem and community through competitions, events, conferences, boot camps, and demo days;

  • Providing access to early-stage funding, sponsors, joint venture programs, and startup acceleration programs by the end of the incubation period;

  • Participation in platforms like BambuUp (Startup matching platform) and iCenter (Open Innovation platform at UII);

  • Access to international exchange programs with the Singapore Management University Incubator and International Startup Campus at Leipzig University in Germany.

4. Media Support: Success stories from the Incubation Program will be featured on VOH’s “Thắp lửa khởi nghiệp và đổi mới sáng tạo” (Igniting Entrepreneurship and Innovation) and HTV7’s “Sức bật khởi nghiệp sáng tạo” (Creative Entrepreneurship Momentum).

Program Benefits:

  • Free office space at UII for up to 4 official team members during the 12-month incubation period;

  • Free access to workspaces, meeting rooms, and facilities for partner and client meetings;

  • Free participation in training, workshops, and events organized by UII.

II. Project Selection Process

1. Priority Fields for 2021:

UII encourages applicants to clarify these focus areas in their applications so the selection committee can assess projects based on their goals and vision:

Digital Transformation in sectors such as education, retail, commerce, agriculture, smart cities, and tourism:

  • Developing digital technology solutions;

  • Building ecosystems and business models based on cloud computing;

  • Utilizing IoT (Internet of Things) networks;

  • Leveraging big data and automating processes;

  • Applying enterprise software to optimize business processes;

  • Introducing service platforms for smart cities.

Sustainable Development: Inspiring new business ideas and innovative approaches to building a brighter, sustainable future for society, aligned with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

2. Eligibility and Evaluation Criteria:

Founder Team:

  • Must demonstrate leadership qualities, with a serious commitment to their business idea;

  • Should possess a long-term business vision and strategic planning skills;

  • At least one team member must work full-time on the project for the next 6 months;

  • Must have a strong commitment to contributing to the project and the Incubator in the long term.

Business Model:

  • High feasibility, addressing real market needs;

  • Must be technology-driven;

  • Should have a clear development strategy;

  • Must have or commit to developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) within the first 6 months of the incubation program;

  • Should have a positive social impact.

3. Application and Selection Process:

Submit your application directly here by June 15, 2021.

For any inquiries regarding the program, please contact UII via email at uii@ueh.edu.vn or directly reach Mr. Trần Cao Trí, Program Officer (+84-902-989-690).

UII - Where every idea has a story!

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